1:1 Grief Support
I came across a quote somewhere that read: “Healing isn’t about curing. There is no “cure” for grief. It’s more about moving into a state of wholeness. Wholeness is living in integrity with all our parts”.
I love that. Living with ALL our parts. Not excluding grief or avoiding it or feeling like starting a healing journey means we are no longer grieving, and the pain is magically gone. Healing to me, means we have come to the realization that our pain as well as our love, will be a part of us for the rest of our days, but in the most beautiful way. Going on a healing journey means taking tolerable steps forward towards adding life to our grief. Not the other way around.
You have within you all that you need to go on this journey, love. I am here to be your biggest supporter and ally. You are climbing the mountain, and I am your rope. By your side to support you through all of it, every single step you take. As you go on this journey, along the way you will learn so many valuable tools like self-compassion, grace, emotional regulation and resilience among many others, all while cultivating self-love. What’s at the top of the mountain? Integration. You're new normal because as you already know, a deep loss changes everything we once knew along with our perspective on life. You will be more comfortable in the duality of grief. You will be able to eventually and at your pace, hold space for both joy and pain. For the gratitude of what once was while honoring the parts of your old life that will continue on right along with you. You will have a clearer view of the person you are becoming, what you value, what you need and where and how to use all the tools you will learn along the way.
Going on a Healing journey means that you are ready to go from treading water and surviving, to embracing your grief. To unpacking it all in a safe and supportive space and one step at a time, working on living a life that your person will always be a part of. Slowly but surely, you can start to one moment at a time and at your pace, create a meaningful life again along with maintaining a bond with your person as you continue living.
Healing is a forever journey. When we can embrace all our parts, the pain and the joy, the sadness and the gratitude. When we can let them live alongside one another, that to me is healing. When I realized my grief is permanent because love is permanent, my relationship with my grief started to shift. My grief went from being something I carried to something I beautifully embrace. I took my time and processed at a pace that my heart could handle as I allowed myself to fully feel the pain and longing for what was. Eventually along came the gratitude that I even had it and always will. The pain will always be there, but the love helps us push through and holds us up on the most difficult of days. The resilience we build over time helps us navigate the day to day and what comes up along the way.
Grief is another layer of love. Grief is painful and exhausting but it is also beautiful. Grief is a keyboard without a delete button. We can add more beauty into our life without having to delete or forget what’s been beautifully lived and will forever live in our hearts. The more connect deep within ourselves, the more we can surrender to letting things unfold and trusting. Trusting that no matter where our healing journey takes us, it won’t take us away from the love that is our grief. Quite the opposite. Our grief guides us on that journey and is by our side the entire ride because there isn’t a single path you can go on without it. Knowing that wherever I go my husband is guiding me and taking that journey with me, truly knowing that and feeling it deep in my being, that to me is a gift. Going on your healing journey alongside you, that to me is an honor.